Whispers of the Heart

In the quiet town of Chandrapur, Abhav and Bargavi were inseparable. Childhood friends, they shared secrets under the ancient banyan tree, their laughter echoing through the sun-dappled afternoons. But Abhav’s heart held a secret—a love that bloomed silently, like wildflowers in forgotten corners.

As they completed their schooling together, Abhav’s feelings for Bargavi deepened. He watched her leave for Stellaria College, a distant city where dreams unfurled like paper kites. His letters, ink-stained and heartfelt, crossed the map. He described monsoons that drenched Chandrapur, the way the old banyan tree whispered secrets, and how Bargavi’s name danced on his tongue.

Bargavi thrived in the bustling city. Her brilliance shone like a distant star, and Abhav’s love remained unspoken. He cheered her victories, consoled her during setbacks, and penned letters that carried pieces of his soul. Yet, she never saw him as more than a friend—a shadow in the background, a comforting presence.

Years flowed like a gentle river. Bargavi graduated with honors, her dreams crystallizing into reality. Abhav, rooted in his small bookstore, watched her from afar. He imagined her laughter in crowded corridors, chai breaks with new friends, and late-night study sessions. His love remained incomplete, like a half-written song.

One spring morning, Bargavi returned to Chandrapur. Abhav stood at the railway station, heart pounding. As she stepped off the train, their eyes met—a reunion of souls. The banyan tree stood witness, its ancient branches swaying in approval.

“Abhav,” Bargavi said, her smile fragile, “you’ve been my constant.”

He nodded, words caught in his throat. “And you,” he whispered, “my unspoken melody.”

They walked to the familiar tree, its roots intertwining like their destinies. Abhav’s heart spilled over. “Bargavi,” he confessed, “I’ve loved you since we were school friends.”

Her eyes held regret. “Abhav,” she said softly, “I’ve cherished our friendship, but my heart belongs elsewhere.”

His world shattered. Bargavi’s love had found a different harbor—a distant shore he could never reach. Yet, he smiled, masking the ache. “I’ll always be your friend,” he vowed.

And there, beneath the banyan’s sheltering branches, they stood—a one-sided love etched into memory, a melody that would linger long after the last train departed.

Dear Readers please remember: Sometimes, love remains unrequited, yet it shapes our souls in ways we cannot fathom. 💔🌿

4 responses to “Whispers of the Heart”

  1. JakeWPowell Avatar

    Bittersweet and true. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. harshmishra21 Avatar

      Thank you for your feedback 😊💐


  2. Sonal Mishra Avatar
    Sonal Mishra

    Aur phr ye ek tarfa pyar ek tarfa ho reh gaya

    Liked by 1 person

    1. harshmishra21 Avatar

      maybe or maybe not, there a always a reason for everything. what if he got someone who loved him deeply maked every effort for him…


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