Teenage Tips: Self-Care, Acceptance, and Healthy Love
Daily writing prompt
What advice would you give to your teenage self?

We all have some regrets or wishes about our past, especially our teenage years. Those years are often filled with challenges, changes, and choices that shape our lives. Sometimes, we wish we could go back in time and give ourselves some advice that could have made things easier or better. In this blog post, I will share some of the advice I would give to my teenage self, based on my own experiences and lessons learned.

Prioritize Yourself First

One of the most important pieces of advice I would give to my teenage self is to prioritize myself first. As a teenager, I often neglected my own needs, wants, and happiness, and focused on pleasing others. I tried to fit in, to conform, to avoid conflict, and to meet the expectations of my parents, teachers, and peers. I sacrificed my own identity, interests, and dreams, and lost sight of who I really was and what I really wanted.

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to put myself first, and to do what makes me happy and fulfilled. I would encourage myself to discover and pursue my passions, hobbies, and goals, and to not let anyone or anything stop me from achieving them. I would also remind myself to take care of my physical, mental, and emotional health, and to seek help when I need it. I would tell myself that I am the most important person in my life, and that I should treat myself with respect, kindness, and love.

Don’t Run for Anything That Is Not in Your Control

Another piece of advice I would give to my teenage self is to not run for anything that is not in my control. As a teenager, I often wasted my time, energy, and emotions on things that I had no power over, such as other people’s opinions, actions, or feelings, or the outcomes of certain situations. I tried to change, fix, or manipulate things that were beyond my reach, and I ended up frustrated, disappointed, or hurt.

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to let go of the things that I cannot control, and to focus on the things that I can. I would advise myself to accept the reality of the circumstances, and to adapt to them accordingly. I would also suggest myself to focus on my own attitude, behavior, and choices, and to make the best of them. I would tell myself that I cannot control everything, but I can control how I react to everything.

Never Mess Yourself Because of Love

The last piece of advice I would give to my teenage self is to never mess myself because of love. As a teenager, I often fell in love too easily, too deeply, and too blindly. I gave my heart to the wrong people, who did not appreciate, respect, or reciprocate my feelings. I stayed in unhealthy, toxic, or abusive relationships, hoping that things would change or improve. I lost my self-esteem, self-worth, and self-respect, and I forgot how to love myself.

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to be more careful, cautious, and wise when it comes to love. I would warn myself to not rush into relationships, to not ignore the red flags, and to not settle for less than I deserve. I would also teach myself to love myself first, and to not depend on anyone else for my happiness or validation. I would tell myself that I deserve to be loved, but not at the cost of losing myself.


These are some of the advice I would give to my teenage self, if I had the chance. Of course, I cannot change the past, but I can learn from it and apply it to the present and the future. I hope that by sharing my advice, I can help other teenagers who are going through similar struggles or dilemmas, and inspire them to live their best lives. What advice would you give to your teenage self? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!

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